Code Docs
ZEENPE: Revolutionizing Payments with Unified UPI and Crypto Solutions
CURL Example
curl -X POST "" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Referer:" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer 8902e2036d9b88dfc9632ba7b4ccab77" \ -d '{ "amount": "100", "order_id": "your_dynamic_order_id", "currency": "USD", "paymentMethod": "all", "esign": "your_generated_esign" }'
PHP Example
MAKE lib.php FILE
class INFOZEENPG { private $endpointUrl; private $authorizationToken; public function __construct($endpointUrl, $authorizationToken) { $this->endpointUrl = $endpointUrl; $this->authorizationToken = $authorizationToken; } public function initiatePayment($data) { $orderId = uniqid(); $data["order_id"]=$orderId; $postData = json_encode($data); $esign = base64_encode(md5($postData . $this->authorizationToken)); $data["esign"] = $esign; $response = $this->sendRequest($data); return $response; } public function retrieveTransaction($esign) { $data = json_encode([ 'esign' => $esign ]); $response = $this->sendRequest($data, 'POST'); return $response; } private function sendRequest($data, $method = 'POST') { $url = $this->endpointUrl; $current_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if ($method === 'POST') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); } elseif ($method === 'GET') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $this->authorizationToken, 'Referer: ' . $current_url, 'Content-Type: application/json' ]); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch); } else { return $response; } curl_close($ch); } }
INCLUDE lib.php FILE AND MAKE intiate.php FILE
include "lib.php"; $endpointUrl = ""; $authorizationToken = "8902e2036d9b88dfc9632ba7b4ccab77"; $gateway = new INFOZEENPG($endpointUrl, $authorizationToken); $data = [ "amount" => $amount, "currency" => $currency, "paymentMethod" => $paymentMethod ]; $response = $gateway->initiatePayment($data); echo $response;
CURL Example
curl -X POST "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer 8902e2036d9b88dfc9632ba7b4ccab77" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"esign": "NjJkMWM1ODYyYzQzNGY2YmI1MzA2Y2U1MmIyZTkwNDI="}'
PHP Example
INCLUDE lib.php FILE AND MAKE verify.php FILE
include "lib.php"; $endpointUrl = ""; $authorizationToken = "8902e2036d9b88dfc9632ba7b4ccab77"; $gateway = new INFOZEENPG($endpointUrl, $authorizationToken); $esign = $_GET['esign']; // Replace with actual esign $response = $gateway->retrieveTransaction($esign); echo $response;